
The West Nantmeal Historical Commission was formed in April 1998 by local residents who wanted an ongoing way to preserve the township’s past. The word Nantmeal means sweet water and is taken from the Welsh settlers who first came to this area in the early 1700’s. Originally a large tract of land, Nantmeal was divided into areas which today comprise East Nantmeal, West Nantmeal, Honey Brook and Wallace townships. The latest division, in 1852, left us with the area we now call West Nantmeal.

For a more complete history of the township, please read The History of West Nantmeal Township, written by Spencer Windle in 1975 and available from the Township building.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westnantmealhistoricalcommission
E-mail: westnantmealhc@gmail.com